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How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills


Communicating effectively can be a helpful marketing strategy. It is a fact that men and women who have made a mark in society are good speakers. Hence, he or she needs to have good English speaking skills. One of the basic methods of being able to conduct a conversation fluently in any language is to enhance your verbal presentation skills. You can improve your linguistic abilities and speech by understanding your strengths and weaknesses, your ability to learn, procedures that have worked for you in the past and interest in the language. You need not be in a hurry as initially, there will be delays.


Techniques for Improving English Speaking Skills


Motivation is the Key: Once you have motivated yourself to learn English, you will not feel frustration. You can ask yourself questions like the reason why you need to improve your English speaking skills, where you should use the language, the skills in which you need to sharpen up and reading, learning or writing, time in which you can expect the results, the duration in which you need to develop the skills,


You should have a clear idea about the audience to whom you will speak. What message you give to the public with the help of the speech should also be made clear. In simple words it is said that you should be very clear about all the aspects of speaking and only then can you become a successful speaker, the amount of money required for the course, and if there is a plan or strategy.


Set Achievable Goals: You should know how much time you can dedicate to learning English speaking skills. You can produce better and long term results by devoting a short while each day will. It is better than a giving the language a full day on the weekend and abstaining for two weeks. You can go for an intensive plan of action instead of going for a course once a week in six months. Here is something you can do:

Join an English speaking course and attend it regularly

Do the homework

Read a book in English a month

Go for a new word each day

Visit an English speaking forum everyday

Read an article online everyday

Go for a listening practice everyday

Watch an English film once a month

Watch a soap or program




Practice and Nothing like It: There is no alternative to practice. Practice your speech time and again to gain confidence and perform better on the stage. Moreover, as you practice over and over again, you can understand the intricate details of your speech which is another way of succeeding in your English speaking skills. This will make you aware of the tone of words. Practice your speech and you will deliver will be flawless. You can even change concepts and ideas of word usage. While speaking in public, begin well, go for an explanatory tone midway and make your conclusion interesting and appropriate.


Learn Visually: You can be a visual learner to improve your English speaking skills. Some people need to see their teacher during the lessons so that they can fully understand the lesson content. You may even prefer sitting on the first bench of the classroom to follow the instructions properly and reduce visual obstructions. Some learners even find it easy to learn from visual displays such as illustrated books, videos, diagrams, overhead transparencies, handouts and flipcharts. They may even prefer taking down notes as the class goes on.


Auditory Learning: You may prefer learning from discussions, verbal lectures, and listening to others. In that case, you should go for auditory learning, like through cd’s and other auditory learning accessories. You may also sharpen your English speaking skills by listening to a person’s tone, speed of speech, pitch or other nuances. Someone may for instance benefit from listening to radio or the text as they are reading it. These people should try reading aloud text with the help of a tape recorder so that they can play it back to themselves.


Kinesthetic or Tactile Learning: You may try the hands on approach by exploring the physical world around. If you find it tough to sit still for a long time or get easily distracted, make the most of your habit by taking part in dramas or role plays. Travel to an English speaking region, like England that’s just a few hours away or a specialist vacation.


Whatever the method you are familiar with, try following any approach that suits you best. This will help you hone your English speaking skills. So, if you are a young executive who looks to improve their public speaking skills, try the methods today to be an ace at and overcome your fear of public speaking.


About the Author:

Evelyn Ferris is a part-time blogger for  Best Professional Speaking, a public speaking and presentation skills website. Need to improve your presentation? Subscribe with us and grab yourself a public speaking ebook and video access.








Further Reading:

The Fastest Ways to Learn to Speak English

Oral Presentation Skills: Techniques that Work

Improving Communication Skills: Easiest Way to Quadruple your Business

Presentation Skills: Techniques to Avoid

Three Absolute Fundamental Skills To Overcome Your Public Speaking Anxiety


Tagged as: english speaking skills



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